Vote Against Half-Penny Sales Tax for Public Schools
It’s not time for further investment:
It’s time to find out why the DCPS spends money on things other than maintaining school facilities.
Well, you gave them the money, look at how it will be spent. Look at page 6 of the attached document to find $29 million will be spent each year to pay off previous debt and only $6.8 million for the Master Facilities Plan first year increasing to $39.5 in the 5th year. Do you think we will ever see that? We don’t. Click below to draw your own conclusions!
The Duval County School Board voted to approve a resolution seeking a vote on a half-cent sales tax over 15 years to pay for a $2 billion plan to upgrade Duval school. Opponents of the half-penny sales surtax want answers about past spending before providing another $2 billion to be wasted on school renaming and other items that do nothing to improve the education of students in Duval County.
What Can You Do?
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Vote Against the Half-Cent Sales Tax as proposed on the November 3rd ballot and stop the unbridled and non-audited spending of the Duval County Public School administration. Mark your ballot Against the Half-Cent Tax!