Vote Against Half-Penny Sales Tax for Public Schools

Here is what the State of Florida Auditor General reports about the Duval County Public Schools in their February 2020 audit report.  There are 5 findings involving millions of dollars.  Please Read

Duval County Public Schools has a $1.7 Billion dollar budget and $500 Million dollars each year is provided for maintenance to our schools and they still want more.

If school maintenance was so important, why did DCPS allow schools to deteriorate over the years and still returned approximately $35 Million to the general budget last year?

Duval County Public Schools has a daily debt burden of $65 Thousand dollars each day and the half cent tax, if approved, $24 Million a year will be used to satisfy their uncontrolled debt.

The Duval County School Board elects to spend funds on items like changing school names. Nathan Bedford Forrest to Westside High School cost tax payers approximately $350 Thousand.  This was perported to be paid by outside parties, however we the tax payers funded it, however the why it was paid was hidden by their creative accounting.

The Duval County School Board now wants to rename an additional 9 schools at a cost of approximately $3.2 million instead of maintaining the school facilities as they should.  A new sales tax SHOULD NOT be used for this purpose.

The Duval County Public Schools “Master Facilities Plan” is obsolete as it was created June 25, 2019. COVID has changed the education landscape.  DCPS Master Facility Plan Final062519

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